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Now Hiring CNAs, LPNs and RNs in OKLAHOMA!

Are you a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), or Registered Nurse (RN) searching for exceptional job opportunities in healthcare? Look no further! DirectCare Shifts is the leading platform dedicated to connecting talented healthcare professionals like you with top-notch employers across the great state of Oklahoma. Download the DirectCare Shifts app now!

Explore a vast array of job openings in prominent Oklahoma cities, including Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman, Edmond, Muskogee, Muskogee, Cleveland, and Lawton. DirectCare Shifts offers a user-friendly interface, enabling you to effortlessly browse through numerous positions that match your skillset and preferences.

At DirectCare Shifts, we understand that every healthcare professional has unique aspirations and goals. That’s why we take pride in our personalized approach, meeting you where you are in your career and guiding you towards new and exciting opportunities. Our dedicated team is committed to nurturing your potential, motivating you to excel, and inspiring you to achieve greater heights in your profession.

Whether you are just starting your journey as a CNA, an experienced LPN seeking career growth, or a seasoned RN with a passion for patient care, DirectCare Shifts has the perfect job for you. Join our community today and unlock the door to a fulfilling and rewarding healthcare career in Oklahoma!

Shift Possibilities. Shift Your Future. APPLY NOW!

Are you looking for full-time work?

DirectCare Shifts has partnered with dozens of skilled nursing facilities throughout Oklahoma to cover their full-time needs.

Want to be considered for a position? Fill out this form so that we know what you want and when we should call YOU! One of our Account Managers will contact you for a phone interview as we receive needs that fit your preferences.

We have  YOUR BACK.

A Supportive Partner

At DirectCare Shifts, we work less like an agency and more like a partner – when we say that our promise is to “be your partner in care,” its not just a catchy slogan. This is the lens through which we evaluate every decision.

We’re a partner that’s got your back. A partner that wants to help you succeed. A partner that is going to push you to go places and achieve things you never knew possible.




CNA, LPN, and RN

Nursing Job Opportunities Near You in OKLAHOMA

Looking for CNA job opportunities near you? How about LPN jobs? Or RN jobs near you?  DirectCare Shifts is adding new nursing jobs in Oklahoma every day – from Oklahoma City, to Tulsa, to Norman and more. Search our current opportunities below, or download the DirectCare Shifts app to see shifts be near you! You’ll also receive notifications when new CNA, LPN and RN job opportunities are added near you!

Don’t see what jobs near you? Visit our current territory map to see when we are adding healthcare agency jobs near you. You can even refer new facilities and earn a commission!

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